Monday, October 19, 2009

Been a busy busy boy

Hi everyone,
I've been such a busy boy with Mum, I've made her neglect the blog.
Well in august Mum and Dad took me on holidays to Cape Cod. We shared a house with my friend Maddy and her Mum and Dad. We went to the beach a few times and I played in the sand with Dad. We went to get ice-cream every day, it was yummy. Mum and Dad took me to a petting zoo and I had a great time feeding all the animals and saying hi to them all.

We came back from our hols and then a few weeks later Pop and Renee came to visit for 2 weeks. It was great I had great fun with them. I went to so many different new places and go to see so many things. I got to see Pop play this really huge organ in this really really big hall. I was all dressed up and I danced around while Pop played. My Mum and I went on another holiday to Cape Cod with Renee and Pop. I got to stay in hotels for the first time which I liked. We went to Plymouth and to the Plimoth Plantation. We drove about the cape and saw all the different towns and the lighthouse at Chatham. I had fun the day we went to Provincetown. I saw loads of people and flags and doggies. I also got to be a big boy and go and have my dinner at restaurants.

Since they left Mum has been trying to keep me busy by going to play places, taking me on the bus and the T, taking Doo out for a walk , looking for squirrels and geese,looking for the crunchy leaves, raspberry picking. I went to the natural history museum with my friend Maia last week and got to see all the animals and the dinosaurs. We has great fun there, I ran about the place looking at all the bones they have, we then went to a restaurant for dinner and Mum took me home on the bus. It was a great day

I'm going to get ready for Hallow e'en, Mum has bought me some pumpkins and we're going to decorate them today. Here are some pics of me

Bye for now...

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Fireman Nicky or Govenor Nicky

Hi everyone...

I had an exciting morning this morning.. Mum took me out and about in Arlington in the buggy and we saw that there was something going on outside the fire house , there were tv cameras and reporters and all the fire engines were out. We found out that the govenor was coming for a press conference. Mum decided that we should hang out and watch it. Before it started one of the nice firemen let me sit up in the drivers seat.. it was great fun.. I had fun going "beep beep"

We then stood outside and watched the press conference.. I didn't know what it was about, but Mum said it was for something good. I met the police lieutenant and some of the local politicians.. I was working the crowd as Mum said.

After the conference was over, the govenor came over to see me because he said I was a very quiet and good boy. He played with my toes and we got a picture taken with him. We then had to rush home to see if we were on any of the news, and yes we were...
Must go get ready, going to the beach soon.. yippeee!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

What's a farmers tan Mum?

Hello everyone,
I hope that everyone is having a nice summer, we've not had much of nice summer weather but in the past week or so we have had and I seem to have a little farmers tan. I like to run about now with Mum and Doo
Mum and Dad went to Montreal a few weeks ago and I went to stay with Yia-Yia and Pappa. I had a great time with them and the dogs.. Mum and Dad had a lovely time in Montreal, they brought me back a lovely sign for my room!
Last week the Tall Ships were in Boston so Mum to me to see some of them. We went to the Navy Yard, where Mum worked before and we said hi to a few people. We then went down to the pier and we went to see the ships. I said hi to a lot of sailors that were there. We went to see the LE Eithne, we said hi to some of the sailors there and we chatted with them about Boston and places to go to. They were really nice and let us up onboard when it was closed to the public and then they took some pictures for me and Mum. We then got a quick tour of the ship, which Mum said was very cool, I really wasn't interested, I just wanted to run about.
On Friday I hung out with Mika and Christopher at Christophers house, he has a paddling pool and loads of cool cars. I did not want to leave when it was time for my nap. Pics are here
Mum and Dad took me to the spray pool nearby on Saturday, I had fun running through the big water sprays, but I preferred going to play on the slides.
Mum and Dad are taking me on holiday in a few weeks.. we're going to the beach for a holiday. I'm all excited about going because my friend Maddy is going to be going as well
I must go and help Mum taking Doo out
Bye for now!!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

So Mum, this orienteering thing..

Hi everyone,
It was a gorgeous day today so Mum took me orienteering down in the Blue Hills reserve. I dod think since I'm now a big boy I can walk with Mum on my own, but I got a little tired so Mum did have to carry me for a bit. The course went around the pond and we saw that they have a swimming area, so maybe Mum might take me here again some day. She took a few pics of me here
I went to see my new friend Alice today, she's a tiny little girl, she only 3 weeks old. I got upset when she was crying and I started to cry as well. My other friend Mika is now walking and she walked around the block with me for the first time during the week, I'm such a good walker that I decided that I was going to help her by holding her hand at times.
Mum took me to the library on thursday for dancing and singing and on friday... I like to dance and clap to all the nursery rhymes.
I must go to bed now since tomorrow, I'm going to be a scientist at Ellen's house, so Mum needs to go find me a white coat
buh-bye for now

Friday, May 22, 2009

Hello warm weather

Hi everyone, hope everyone is doing well.
It's been a good month for Nicky, growing up bit by bit, is now entering the no phase of life.. one I know will last for a while. He's getting more and more into moving about and moving stuff about the place. He now likes to push the chair about the kitchen, yes I am waiting for the day when he can climb it.. its on its way.
We went to the zoo earlier in the month for his friend Maddy's birthday and he had a great time looking at the monkeys ( doing grown-up monkey stuff) and seeing all the other animals. We'll try and go some day a bit earlier in the day so we can explore and see all the other animals we missed.
We bought Nicky a pull-along wagon so one evening we sat him and his buddy Mika in it and took them off around the block, they looked like the royal couple, him grunting at sam to keep moving and Mika doing her royal wave.. will post the pic soon. This month we have also been taking swimming lessons, last week was the first time he actually liked being in the pool and splashing. Most recent pics are here
Time for me to go and collect Oscar from his haircut
Have fun

Monday, April 27, 2009

Very Busy.....

Hello everyone,
I've just been so busy these past few weeks I've not had time to sit down and have Mum type up an entry for me
Mum has been taking me to the park nearly every day that its nice. I love the swings and slides. I've gone and played with a few new friends and I like playing with their toys more than I like playing with my own.
Mum signed me up for swim class, we had our first one today, I'm not sure yet I like it. I prefer the bath tub, but Mum is still going to take me I think. I really like these days looking for all the birds and the squirrels and my fave are still the cats!
I went to my first US orienteering event with Mum and Dad, it was fun, I liked running about the woods on the path, Dad took a pic of me and my other pics from this month are here
Mum and Dad went to see Travis last night, Mum said it was fantastic. Mum is a very big fan, she went to see them in Newbury Comics with Shauna and she got me some autographs!
Well I must really get some sleep, had a busy day today, need to sleep.
Hope everyone is doing well

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The nice weather is here... yippeee

Hi everyone
So we had lovely weather this past week and I was able to get out and about with Mum, Dad and Doo. Mum has been taking me out on my trike. I love being able to go around the block and see everything that's going on.
The leaves are starting to come out and it looks really cool, the squirrels are coming out as well and they run about the place when I come around the block. I like looking for cats and the birds as well. We went to the park on Sunday and I had great fun playing on the slides, I even tried to climb back up the slide when I saw a bigger boy do it. I really love going to the park.
Mum and Dad went to Ikea and bought me some new stuff for my room, I got a table and stools for my room, some new cool bins for all my toys..
Ok, I must go and go out and check if some more leaves are after coming out...bye!!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Mum.. again tell me about St. Patrick's Day

Hi everyone!
I'm such a busy boy these days, I'm totally switched over to just one nap a day and just want to do some much during the day that I don't have time to sit and type.
So last week it was St. Patrick's day and I had a busy day with Mum. She watched the Today show who were in Dublin and Mum was laughing when she saw the weather guy from TV3. Mum made some brown soda bread.. its yum yum. We went for a walk with some babies, I was the oldest there but it was ok because I liked being able to see all the trees and birdies and the squirrels. Oscar came with us and he liked it too
On friday Mum took me to play at Ellen's house, she had loads of cool toys for me to play with. I showed her my dancing and had some yummy soda bread there,her Mum is from Ireland as well.
Since the weather was nice this week Mum took me out to the park and I played on the swings and slides. I also went for walks around the block and went looking for the cats and the birdies. I think they were all hiding, but Mum says they were just having their dinner.
On Sunday Mum and Dad took me to the toy shop and bought me a tricycle. It's cool, it has a bell that I can ring. Mum likes it because she can steer for me and I can't go off on my own..
I have a busy week planned this week as well, going for the tuesday morning walk today and then on thursday D is coming for a visit...Yeay!!
bye for now...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

That's not your driveway!

So Mum and I play a new game when we go out.. it's called "That's not your driveway!". The object of the game is that I run down a driveway of somebody's house and Mum has to catch me and say "That's not your driveway". I burst out laughing everytime she says it to me..
I like to go for a walk these days with Mum and Oscar. I'm a big boy now so I walk along side Mum and I look at all the different gates and fences that people have. I also have to stop and say hello to all the different trees I see.
On sunday we went to a party at my friend Andrew's house. It was a beach party in their house and everyone was wearing summer clothes, it was great fun. Mum and Dad were wearing summer clothes and I had my cool shirt and swim shorts on...
Mum has taken some pictures of me and the some of the things I've been up to.. here

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Happy March!

Hi Everyone,
I just got back from my holidays in Ireland. I went to Cork and stayed with Mimi and D. I had great fun staying there. I got to see loads and loads of people and was really happy to see everyone.
Mum and Mimi and D had a birthday party for me and I got to see my bud Liam, it was cool to see him, he had just had his birthday so we're now both the same age. I found my new favourite foods while I was on my holiday. I now totally love Liga biscuits, Mum has had to go and buy some online for me. I think I love them more than I love cheerios. I also discovered that I loved potato waffles, they're so yummy, I'm not sure if Mum can get them here, but she said she'll keep looking. We also had a birthday party for Nana Casey, which was really nice. She blew out the candles on her cake just like I did.
I must head now and have some Liga before my nap. I'm a big boy now and so I only take one a day, I don't want to miss anything!
Bye for now

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Saturday, February 7, 2009

My 2nd 1st birthday

Hi everyone,
I had my another birthday party today for my birthday at our house. It was a lot of fun. Dad's family came over and they helped me celebrate .
Mum's mum ( Mimi) came to visit this week and we've been having some fun. Mum has taken us out and about and we've been to a few places together. I've been a little cranky because my teeth have been hurting, but I'm hoping they'll be better before Monday. Mum says that we're going to Ireland on Monday for a holiday so she also hopes that they'll be better.
We went to see Mum's and Mimi's relatives on thursday and I had fun with my new friend James, he's 3 and a half and he's lots of fun. I got to go the shopping centre on wednesday and meet Erica and Sawyer for lunch. I had some of Mum's sandwich for my lunch, it was yummy. Friday we went to see my friend Maia and had lunch with her and her Mum. I liked playing with her toys and seeing all the dogs playing in the house
Anyways I'd better get packed for my trip.. see everyone soon
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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Waiter... a table for 5 please

I went to my friend Andrew's 2nd birthday party last weekend. I was a little shy to start but once I had some cake and ice-cream I was good and had fun walking about his house. I tried to help him open his presents, but Mum thought I should let him open them. I really didn't want to go home after the party. I think I could have hung out there all night.
We had some snow on sunday and monday so I got to get dressed up and Mum took me out and about on my sled. I like the snow, I really like just crawling in it, it's all cold and it tastes nice. Dad had the day off on Monday so I got to hang out with him
This week was a historic week according to Mum, she told me about the new president being sworn in and that it was a very important occasion. Mika and her Mum watched it with us on the telly, but then I went for a nap, when I woke up it was still on so Mum sat with me and we watched it some more.
So as you can see from the picture me and Mika had lunch together . We went today with our Mum's and Amy to the Indian restaurant for lunch. Me and Mika chatted across the table with each other and Mika shared some of her food with me. Mum gave me some new things to try and I seemed to like them, so I think we can go again another time to an Indian restaurant.
Mum and Dad tell me that me and Mum are going to see everyone in Cork again soon. They were talking about going on the plane and that I'll be on holidays for two weeks. I think it sounds like fun. I can't wait to see everyone again.

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Sunday, January 11, 2009

So I'm 1 now

Hello everyone,

Mum and Dad told me that I'm now a 1 year old. I really don't get what it means, but it's ok. On my birthday Mum and Dad took me to a restaurant for my dinner, it was fun. I had some mandarin oranges and mashed potatoes..they were yummy. I was very good so I think they might take me there again. Later the weekend I went to dinner with Sawyer, his Mum and my Mum, we had fun there as well. I like going to have my dinner in a restaurant.

Mum and Dad had a party for my birthday at my favourite play place. My friends came along with their parents and some of Mum and Dad's friends came as well. We had snow that morning so I wasn't sure if people were going to be able to make it but they came and we all had fun. I played with Dad under the parachute in the play room and Lulu and Maddy played in the blocks. Sawyer liked it when his dad bounced him on the bouncy ball. We all had some snacks. I had some meatball and some rice-cakes and hummus. They were all yummy.
Mum and Dad got me a big cake and Mum helped me blow out the candle and then I had some cake. I think I liked the icing more than the cake. People gave me really nice presents, overall I had a fun day. Mum and Maddy's dad took some pics and they are here
Time to go to bed...