Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Music a la Nicky

Nicky's favourite noises to make these days are - giggling, esp after hearing ernie from sesame street giggle..and the frustration noises/sighs when he can't get to where he wants to get to. His word of the moment is a combination of "mam", "ma", "mem"...
We're experimenting with food a little, having porridge for breakfast, lunch and dinner and additions to the oatmeal.. applesauce is a clear winner, bananas second and peaches third. Yogurt not so much, but we'll keep trying. He needs all his energy for his constant crawling and furniture cruising. We went to the local child play area and he loved it, with the padded floors and toys, playing peek-a-boo and trying to figure out what a hula hoop does.. I promise I will try and get some pics the next time or even video... if I'm that organised
Hope everyone is doing well!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Hi There

So this week I went to my swimming lesssons and had such great fun that I asked Mum to take me every week so I can practice the things I learned. I learned how to kick and how to to do blast-off from the wall.. that was great fun. Mum did humpty dumpty with me and I always ended up in the water which I liked. I have a new friend named Ivan and so him and his mum are going to try and go to the pool with us in the autumn.
I spent the day today with Dad while Mum went out, something about a shower or something. I got to see my friend Zoe and I like her. She did some great dancing. I hope she can teach me how to dance when I can stand up straight on my own. I've gotten the sitting thing together and the crawling thing is easy, I now just like to stand and find things that I can pull myself up with... mum's pants are good sometimes and so is Oscar. He just gives me kisses when I do that but Mum stops me when I try to climb on Oscar.
Mum said I should mention that I really like electronic stuff... the phone, mum's laptop, the remote and the alarm clocks.... Mum gets very worried when I go near her laptop but I swearI only just want to learn how to type so Mum doesn't have to do all this typing.

Ok, must go , Mum wants to go and watch the Olympics. I was asleep for the opening ceremony but I think Mum and Dad taped it so I'll watch it tomorrow morning
Hugs to everyone
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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Did I mention I hang out at the pool now....

So I now go swimming or what mum likes to say a dip in the pool, the pool is a little chilly so I don't stay in too long. I've met a few new people and we play games like " wheels on the bus" and they teach us about how to kick and how to reach out and grab some toys. They tried to teach me how to blow bubbles but I think it'll be a while before I can get it right, but all the mums made funny faces when they started to blow bubbles for us....
Mum will put a picture up when she gets one