Saturday, January 24, 2009

Waiter... a table for 5 please

I went to my friend Andrew's 2nd birthday party last weekend. I was a little shy to start but once I had some cake and ice-cream I was good and had fun walking about his house. I tried to help him open his presents, but Mum thought I should let him open them. I really didn't want to go home after the party. I think I could have hung out there all night.
We had some snow on sunday and monday so I got to get dressed up and Mum took me out and about on my sled. I like the snow, I really like just crawling in it, it's all cold and it tastes nice. Dad had the day off on Monday so I got to hang out with him
This week was a historic week according to Mum, she told me about the new president being sworn in and that it was a very important occasion. Mika and her Mum watched it with us on the telly, but then I went for a nap, when I woke up it was still on so Mum sat with me and we watched it some more.
So as you can see from the picture me and Mika had lunch together . We went today with our Mum's and Amy to the Indian restaurant for lunch. Me and Mika chatted across the table with each other and Mika shared some of her food with me. Mum gave me some new things to try and I seemed to like them, so I think we can go again another time to an Indian restaurant.
Mum and Dad tell me that me and Mum are going to see everyone in Cork again soon. They were talking about going on the plane and that I'll be on holidays for two weeks. I think it sounds like fun. I can't wait to see everyone again.

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Sunday, January 11, 2009

So I'm 1 now

Hello everyone,

Mum and Dad told me that I'm now a 1 year old. I really don't get what it means, but it's ok. On my birthday Mum and Dad took me to a restaurant for my dinner, it was fun. I had some mandarin oranges and mashed potatoes..they were yummy. I was very good so I think they might take me there again. Later the weekend I went to dinner with Sawyer, his Mum and my Mum, we had fun there as well. I like going to have my dinner in a restaurant.

Mum and Dad had a party for my birthday at my favourite play place. My friends came along with their parents and some of Mum and Dad's friends came as well. We had snow that morning so I wasn't sure if people were going to be able to make it but they came and we all had fun. I played with Dad under the parachute in the play room and Lulu and Maddy played in the blocks. Sawyer liked it when his dad bounced him on the bouncy ball. We all had some snacks. I had some meatball and some rice-cakes and hummus. They were all yummy.
Mum and Dad got me a big cake and Mum helped me blow out the candle and then I had some cake. I think I liked the icing more than the cake. People gave me really nice presents, overall I had a fun day. Mum and Maddy's dad took some pics and they are here
Time to go to bed...