Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy Snow Year

So this morning I got up and it was snowing, the same white fluffy stuff that was we had last week.. it looked very pretty. Mum and Dad took me out around the block on my sled. Mum was all excited for me to be able to go out in it. I then got to go and crawl about in the snow, which Dad thought was funny. I lost my soother but Dad found it when he was clearing the snow from around the cars. Mum took a few pics of me out in the snow and in my funky pants, which are here.
I also got to play with my friend Mika a few times today which was cool. Mika and her parents came over and we all celebrated the new year at 7pm so that me and Mika got to be involved in the celebrations before we had to go to bed.
Anyways.. Happy Snow Year, I hope to get to see everyone soon..

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Nollaig Shona

Hello everyone!
I woke up this morning and Mum told me that Santa had arrived and that I had to rush downstairs to see what was under the tree. Doo came down the stairs with with us. I looked in my stocking and there was a bear with a santa hat and then under the tree there was a little pull along dog and some blocks, they were great... I also liked the cardboard that they came in. Mum and Dad thought I was cute walking around with the bits of wrapping paper. Mum put on The Snowman and I watched it for a little while.
We then took Doo out for a walk. It was really nice out and I had fun hanging off of Mum's back. There was still some snow but it was all dirty and slushy. I went for a snooze after we came home and when I woke up I got to talk to Nana Casey and everyone in Ballincollig online.. I thought it was great to get to see everyone and they got to hear me giggle and see me walk around the house.
Later on today we went to dinner at Yia-Yia and Papa's house and I got to have a fun dinner. I sat on Mum's lap and had some of her dinner, I tried some turkey, some ham, some kibbee ( Mum's fave) and some lebanese stuffing.
I walked around and said hi to everyone and then later on Mum and Dad took me home so that I could get ready for bed. I'm sure tonight I'll sleep well.
Hope that Santa brought great presents to everyone!
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Sunday, December 21, 2008

Mum... its still snowing

So when Nicky got up this morning, he and I looked out the window and saw that it was still snowing.... so today he'll be bundled up again and we'll try to go out in the snow. He went out yesterday in it and had a little fun, but kept falling over and just wanting to lie in the snow. I'm sure if I let him walk outside the house he'll head towards Mika's house just to show off, his other friend Maia wasn't too impressed with the snow. It seems that the only beings excited about the snow are the dogs and me
I've put a few more pics up from yesterday on the previous blog entry

Friday, December 19, 2008

Snow and then some more snow

So Mum told me that we were getting snow today and so she decided that I should have a sled so she can pull me around the block or out the back. We went on an adventure to go look for one. Mum took me to loads and loads of shops and we couldn't find one. Even Dad went looking for on his way home from work today. He got to come home early, I was happy that he did.
Mum told me that I had to go to for my snooze and when I woke up it would be snowing... she was right, it was amazing. I went to bed and Ollie was there and there was no snow and when I woke up Ollie was gone and there was snow out on the road and on the steps. Mum was all excited that it was snowing
After a while, Dad had to go out and shovel so Mum dressed me up in my new snow clothes and she took me outside. I looked all around the place and everything was covered in snow, it was so cool. Mum and I just walked outside the door and then Dad appeared with the shovel and so I followed him about the place. I just wanted to lie down on the ground, but Mum wouldn't let me. Mum took me back inside too soon, she said something about my not letting my face and hands get too cold.... whatever, I really liked it outside... I'm going to try and go out again tomorrow
Mum put on some music ( christmas) and we danced about the place, before she gave me my dinner. Dad put me to bed while Mum took Doo out for his walk... her pictures from today are here.
I'm going to try and go out again in the snow tomorrow, Mum will put up more pictures if she can

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Snow and Slush

So today we got some snow.. about an inch and then it all turned to slush. Its Nicky's first proper time seeing snow, while we had loads of it earlier in the year, he was way too young to go out in it. Now he's older and bolder and is ready to go out in it.

Nicky seemed to like the look of it and when I put his snow boots and snow pants on he liked being outside in it. We walked up the street and looked at the cars and the houses and then we stopped so that he could touch the snow. He was a little hesistant at first but he seemed alright with it.

Our next big step was to take Doo out for a walk. I decided that it might be a little safer to put him into the buggy rather than carry him. Both Doo and Nicky loved their walk.. I however need to get used to manouvering the buggy through the slush...
We're getting more on friday so we'll get a bit more practice.. maybe we'll try and make a snowball and throw some

Sunday, December 14, 2008

So Mum.. who is Santa?

Hi everyone,

So Mum told me about trying to go and see some guy called Santa tomorrow and get my picture taken with him.. I really don't know what to think of it, it sounds ok, but I'll just have to see tomorrow.

I had a busy-ish week with Mum, we got the attic insulated ( again I'm just going with what Mum said) and there were loads of people in an out of the house. Mum was very happy as I napped when I needed to without any problem. My sleep is very important these days since I'm walking about the place so much.

Mum took out the christmas tree and put some stuff on the tree, I think it looks ok, nothing too exciting, but Mum and Dad like it. They keep trying to take me out around the block to see the lights but I'm really not that interested, neither is Mika, our mum's tried but failed..

I got to see my friend Sawyer a few times and his mum and dad. I went with Mum and Dad to Amy's house and we had a christmas food thing, I got a cool book about a pug in a truck and a pug teddy bear, Dad really liked the book so I'm sure he'll read it to me soon.

Ok, time for my nap..
Have a good week!!

Friday, December 5, 2008

How many dogs did we see?

Hi everyone, I had a very busy week this week, went to my fave play place a few times and had lunch with my friend Sawyer on thursday, but this weeks big adventure was to go to the dog show.
Me, mum, Mika and her mum went to the bayside expo centre to go to the Bay Colony dog show this morning.
We all went in Mika's car and I had fun looking at the city and going through the tunnel before we got to the centre. Mika and I were in our buggy's and our mum's pushed us about. We first got in there and saw that there were dogs running through hoops and rings and they were running really fast, Mum said that they were the agility dogs. I think Oscar would like to do that some day.
We then went to look at the other rings where there was the best of breed competitions going on. We saw the petit basset griffon vendeen dogs, those are mum's favourite dogs, they were very cute and looked very friendly. There were some afghan hounds behind us and they had really long and shiny hair , Mum and Mika's mum were very impressed with their hair.
We went around and had a look at the other dogs, Mika wanted to see if they could find the dogs who are like her dog ( mini -daschund). There were so many dogs in their crates having a nap and there were loads of other dogs having their hair washed, dried and trimmed. We saw some dogs have their hair sprayed with some hair spray, our Mum's found that funny.
We met so many dogs and all different types, some sniffed us and some licked us. Mum told me about the dogs that we saw : poodles, tibetan terriers,dalmatians, scottish deerhounds, pugs, french bulldogs, dobermans, miniature pinschers, airedale terriers, an australian terrier, some great danes, some alsatians,bernese mountain dogs, wheaten terriers, some havenese, some basset hounds. There were just so many and there were others that were not there because it was their turn either yesterday or is tomorrow.
One lady was very nice and took her dog out of its crate and let us have a pet of it, the dog's name was oona/una and was so friendly. Some of the dogs were so big and some were so little. We liked seeing the dogs and some of the owners liked to see us and thought me and Mika looked cute hanging out at the dog show. Maybe our Mum's will take us again next year?
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