Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I went where Mum?

So yesterday Mum decided that I needed something called a haircut.. I have no idea what it is, but Mum took me out in the car and we went for a spin. We didn't really go anywhere as Mum said they were all closed because it was Monday.. again I don't know what that means. Today after I woke up Mum decided we were going to try again, so we went nearby to a barber shop ( that's what Mum called it ) and I sat on Mum's lap and the lady there put a bib on me and she started doing something with my hair. I was squirming a bit because I wasn't sure I liked it, but they had toys there and the lady was very nice. I'm not sure I'll go again tomorrow, but Mum said I don't need to go for another few months.. so that's good.
Hope everyone is good!
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Saturday, November 15, 2008

These boots are made for walking... well these socks are

So I've decided to start walking, well just a little.. a couple of steps here and there. I prefer to walk when Mum or Dad aren't watching me. Everyday I'm getting better and better, soon I won't need Mum's hands to walk about the place and I can walk around the block on my own. My favourite place this week to go walking was in the play place Mum takes me to. I just wanted to show the other babies there how I can walk so I was go all over the place on my own. Mum said once she gets a good video clip she'll post it... and here is one and the other is here
I had a cold and a cough last week so I didn't get to see my new friend Morgan who arrived last week, Mum saw her and said she was a gorgeous baby. I did get to see my friend Sawyer this week for the first time, we couldn't play together as he was sleeping, Mum explained he's only 4 weeks so I have to wait a while before we can really play.
It's my friend Maia's birthday today and tomorrow we're going to her party at the childrens museum, I'm all excited as Dad said that its a really cool place and that I can ramble around the place and its ok to pull at the stuff... great! here's where the party pics are
Ok, I must go have some breakfast and figure out what I'm doing for the day... bye-bye!