Friday, October 31, 2008

Oiche Shamhna

Happy Halloween everyone,
Mum told me that today was oiche shamhna and that today everybody gets dressed up in scary costumes. I'm going to be a skunk( Mum and Dad are always afraid of skunks, something about their smell they day), Mum is going as my Mum and Dad I think is going to be a scientist..Oscar has a costume but I've not seen it yet. Mum tried to explain to me all about today and about why people dress up and stuff, she told me that people give you stuff at the door if you say trick or treat and that you play party games. She said she used to bob for apples in water and that she used to get fruit and nuts from people... I'm too young for that kind of stuff although I do like apple sauce so maybe I'll get some of that. I was so excited this morning that I woke up at 6 and decided I wanted to start my day, Mum said ok, but that I was going to have to be a good boy and wait until the party before putting my costume on, so far I've been good but its still a while yet before we go to the party.
Mum said she'll put up the pictures tomorrow ... they're here!!
Bye for now
( I know that there's no fada on the i but I've not figured out yet how to do it - Aisling)
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Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Odd Couple

So Ollie came to visit on saturday with his mum, and Mum tried to take a picture of the two of them, but doo didn't want his pic taken. I had fun with Ollie, he tried to give me a kiss.... I can't wait to see him on friday, he's coming to spend the day with doo and then we're all going to Maia's house for a halloween party. Mum and Dad got my costume for me and so I'm going to look cool, I'm not sure if we're going trick or treating or if I have to wait til next year to do that. I think I have to be walking to be able to go door to door. Maybe I'll get to see the children who come to our door if Mum lets me stay up late, I know what some of my neighbours are going to be dressed as.

So mr. tooth has been trying to come down for a long time, over a month Mum says and its almost there, it's breaking the gum and slowly pushing out, but Mum discovered that speedy tooth is coming up on my bottom gum next to my other teeth, so it's going to be a race as to which one is fully out and seen. Having new teeth means I'll get to eat more grown-up food and Mum won't have to mush it as much.

I told Dad that he should vote for "ba-ma" , he's the only candidate whose name I can say. Ba is the word I use most often these days and sometimes I say ma and earlier I was talking to Mum about stuff and told her about who Dad should vote for.

Mum and Dad took some pics of me on Sunday when I was outside our house playing with the leaves. The pics are here

Happy Halloween

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Sunday, October 19, 2008

Do not adjust your monitor!

I was at Oscar's friend Ollie's house ( with his Mum Amy) on Saturday morning with Mum and Dad, my ladies ( Maia and Mika) were there with their parents and their brothers with hair ( doggies). Dad took the funky pic of me and Maia in front of Amy's big mirror. I had fun looking at the good looking boy in the mirror, the funny thing was that he had the same clothes on as me..hmm must ask mum about that. I had a great time crawling about the place and showing off my cruising skills.
My week was good, I'm still trying to figure out the whole nap thing so I like to keep Mum on her toes and every day is a fun guess as to how long , when or if I'll nap. Dad's cousin Alexis came and looked after me for a while on thursday and I had fun with her, she gave me my dinner and my dessert.
Mum and Dad went to see my new buddy Sawyer on Tuesday in the hospital, they said he had finally arrived on Sunday, I dunno where he was supposed to have arrived from, oh well it must be one cool place since they said it took a long time for him to arrive. Mum said he was very cute and looked like his Mum Erica ( I like her and Sawyer's Dad Chuck). I want to go and see him but Mum said it'll be a while before I get to go since he's still a little baby.
I got to go and see my friend Zoe at her new house today, it was cool, she had a big garden and had a lake right across the road from her house. She was very nice and shared her toys with me as her Mum pulled us along in the red thing ( a pull along wagon -Aisling), we saw all the leaves on the ground and we tried to look for other colourful things. She showed me how she likes to draw on the ground with chalk and how to go down the slide. I tried it myself and I giggled going down the slide.
I don't know what the plan for this week is, but I know that we're going to where Mum used to work for my lunch on wednesday and the rest of the week will be a suprise. I know for definite that Mum will take me and Doo out for loads of walks and I'm sure she'll take me out to my fave play place some afternoon, maybe she'll take me to the supermarket so I can flirt with all the ladies in the shop....
Have a good week everyone!

Sunday, October 12, 2008


So this pic was taken at my friend Maia's house a few months ago, my Mum and her Mum though that it would be a good photo..I'm not sure if it is or not, but it was a very comfortable "hat" to wear.
This week, I got to hang out with Mum and go out and about with her and the doo. We went to the park a few times with Mika and her Mum. We had a good time on the swings and we giggled a lot. The slides I'm not too sure about yet, but I'll give them a try a few more times. Mum and Dad took me as well and Mum has put up some photos of me here
Mum took me in to see Dad for lunch during the week, it was fun to go and see where Dad works. It was such a lovely day, we were able to have our lunch outside, hopefully we'll have a few more days like that this week
Have a lovely week!
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Sunday, October 5, 2008

Hummus or Hoummus?

So my food horizons are being widened by Mum at the moment, today Mum gave me some hummus and rice-cakes....I think I liked it, the rice-cakes were a little funny to eat as they kind of dissolved in my mouth. I think Mum started to give them to me so I can try and eat them with my hands, which I did, and got the rice-cake/hummus mix all over my hands, my face and my socks ( I like to eat with my socks as digestive aids).
I went to the doctor this week and got my flu shot and they took some blood from me, I wasn't a big fan of the needles but I was cool when I left the office... think I can amage to go back there if I need to.. they now have a fish tank in the waiting room and loads of books.
Mum and Dad went to a wedding on Friday and so I got to be looked after by Papa's cousin Sharon and she took me to a birthday party ( my first). I had a great time there and loved being looked after by Sharon.
This week Mum took me out and about and we got to see all the stuff that happens here in autumn. I saw the leaves starting to change colour ( yes colour... not color ) from green to yellow and I see every day that more leaves are after falling. We see loads of squirrels ( the grey ones) all over the place and Mum can get a little closer to them and I can see them climb up the trees. I also this week got to see loads of geese, the canadian kind, and those are cool to look at and they move quickly as soon as we try and get close to them.
Mum and Dad got me a pair of runners and they take me outside the front door and with help I take some steps towards Mika's house or towards the end of the row of houses. When I'm tired I just sit on the ground and try and take my shoes off. Oscar comes over and gives me a kiss to say hi
Ok, I must go and take a nap for Mum and Dad.. have a good week everyone
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