Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy Snow Year

So this morning I got up and it was snowing, the same white fluffy stuff that was we had last week.. it looked very pretty. Mum and Dad took me out around the block on my sled. Mum was all excited for me to be able to go out in it. I then got to go and crawl about in the snow, which Dad thought was funny. I lost my soother but Dad found it when he was clearing the snow from around the cars. Mum took a few pics of me out in the snow and in my funky pants, which are here.
I also got to play with my friend Mika a few times today which was cool. Mika and her parents came over and we all celebrated the new year at 7pm so that me and Mika got to be involved in the celebrations before we had to go to bed.
Anyways.. Happy Snow Year, I hope to get to see everyone soon..

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Nollaig Shona

Hello everyone!
I woke up this morning and Mum told me that Santa had arrived and that I had to rush downstairs to see what was under the tree. Doo came down the stairs with with us. I looked in my stocking and there was a bear with a santa hat and then under the tree there was a little pull along dog and some blocks, they were great... I also liked the cardboard that they came in. Mum and Dad thought I was cute walking around with the bits of wrapping paper. Mum put on The Snowman and I watched it for a little while.
We then took Doo out for a walk. It was really nice out and I had fun hanging off of Mum's back. There was still some snow but it was all dirty and slushy. I went for a snooze after we came home and when I woke up I got to talk to Nana Casey and everyone in Ballincollig online.. I thought it was great to get to see everyone and they got to hear me giggle and see me walk around the house.
Later on today we went to dinner at Yia-Yia and Papa's house and I got to have a fun dinner. I sat on Mum's lap and had some of her dinner, I tried some turkey, some ham, some kibbee ( Mum's fave) and some lebanese stuffing.
I walked around and said hi to everyone and then later on Mum and Dad took me home so that I could get ready for bed. I'm sure tonight I'll sleep well.
Hope that Santa brought great presents to everyone!
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Sunday, December 21, 2008

Mum... its still snowing

So when Nicky got up this morning, he and I looked out the window and saw that it was still snowing.... so today he'll be bundled up again and we'll try to go out in the snow. He went out yesterday in it and had a little fun, but kept falling over and just wanting to lie in the snow. I'm sure if I let him walk outside the house he'll head towards Mika's house just to show off, his other friend Maia wasn't too impressed with the snow. It seems that the only beings excited about the snow are the dogs and me
I've put a few more pics up from yesterday on the previous blog entry

Friday, December 19, 2008

Snow and then some more snow

So Mum told me that we were getting snow today and so she decided that I should have a sled so she can pull me around the block or out the back. We went on an adventure to go look for one. Mum took me to loads and loads of shops and we couldn't find one. Even Dad went looking for on his way home from work today. He got to come home early, I was happy that he did.
Mum told me that I had to go to for my snooze and when I woke up it would be snowing... she was right, it was amazing. I went to bed and Ollie was there and there was no snow and when I woke up Ollie was gone and there was snow out on the road and on the steps. Mum was all excited that it was snowing
After a while, Dad had to go out and shovel so Mum dressed me up in my new snow clothes and she took me outside. I looked all around the place and everything was covered in snow, it was so cool. Mum and I just walked outside the door and then Dad appeared with the shovel and so I followed him about the place. I just wanted to lie down on the ground, but Mum wouldn't let me. Mum took me back inside too soon, she said something about my not letting my face and hands get too cold.... whatever, I really liked it outside... I'm going to try and go out again tomorrow
Mum put on some music ( christmas) and we danced about the place, before she gave me my dinner. Dad put me to bed while Mum took Doo out for his walk... her pictures from today are here.
I'm going to try and go out again in the snow tomorrow, Mum will put up more pictures if she can

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Snow and Slush

So today we got some snow.. about an inch and then it all turned to slush. Its Nicky's first proper time seeing snow, while we had loads of it earlier in the year, he was way too young to go out in it. Now he's older and bolder and is ready to go out in it.

Nicky seemed to like the look of it and when I put his snow boots and snow pants on he liked being outside in it. We walked up the street and looked at the cars and the houses and then we stopped so that he could touch the snow. He was a little hesistant at first but he seemed alright with it.

Our next big step was to take Doo out for a walk. I decided that it might be a little safer to put him into the buggy rather than carry him. Both Doo and Nicky loved their walk.. I however need to get used to manouvering the buggy through the slush...
We're getting more on friday so we'll get a bit more practice.. maybe we'll try and make a snowball and throw some

Sunday, December 14, 2008

So Mum.. who is Santa?

Hi everyone,

So Mum told me about trying to go and see some guy called Santa tomorrow and get my picture taken with him.. I really don't know what to think of it, it sounds ok, but I'll just have to see tomorrow.

I had a busy-ish week with Mum, we got the attic insulated ( again I'm just going with what Mum said) and there were loads of people in an out of the house. Mum was very happy as I napped when I needed to without any problem. My sleep is very important these days since I'm walking about the place so much.

Mum took out the christmas tree and put some stuff on the tree, I think it looks ok, nothing too exciting, but Mum and Dad like it. They keep trying to take me out around the block to see the lights but I'm really not that interested, neither is Mika, our mum's tried but failed..

I got to see my friend Sawyer a few times and his mum and dad. I went with Mum and Dad to Amy's house and we had a christmas food thing, I got a cool book about a pug in a truck and a pug teddy bear, Dad really liked the book so I'm sure he'll read it to me soon.

Ok, time for my nap..
Have a good week!!

Friday, December 5, 2008

How many dogs did we see?

Hi everyone, I had a very busy week this week, went to my fave play place a few times and had lunch with my friend Sawyer on thursday, but this weeks big adventure was to go to the dog show.
Me, mum, Mika and her mum went to the bayside expo centre to go to the Bay Colony dog show this morning.
We all went in Mika's car and I had fun looking at the city and going through the tunnel before we got to the centre. Mika and I were in our buggy's and our mum's pushed us about. We first got in there and saw that there were dogs running through hoops and rings and they were running really fast, Mum said that they were the agility dogs. I think Oscar would like to do that some day.
We then went to look at the other rings where there was the best of breed competitions going on. We saw the petit basset griffon vendeen dogs, those are mum's favourite dogs, they were very cute and looked very friendly. There were some afghan hounds behind us and they had really long and shiny hair , Mum and Mika's mum were very impressed with their hair.
We went around and had a look at the other dogs, Mika wanted to see if they could find the dogs who are like her dog ( mini -daschund). There were so many dogs in their crates having a nap and there were loads of other dogs having their hair washed, dried and trimmed. We saw some dogs have their hair sprayed with some hair spray, our Mum's found that funny.
We met so many dogs and all different types, some sniffed us and some licked us. Mum told me about the dogs that we saw : poodles, tibetan terriers,dalmatians, scottish deerhounds, pugs, french bulldogs, dobermans, miniature pinschers, airedale terriers, an australian terrier, some great danes, some alsatians,bernese mountain dogs, wheaten terriers, some havenese, some basset hounds. There were just so many and there were others that were not there because it was their turn either yesterday or is tomorrow.
One lady was very nice and took her dog out of its crate and let us have a pet of it, the dog's name was oona/una and was so friendly. Some of the dogs were so big and some were so little. We liked seeing the dogs and some of the owners liked to see us and thought me and Mika looked cute hanging out at the dog show. Maybe our Mum's will take us again next year?
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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I went where Mum?

So yesterday Mum decided that I needed something called a haircut.. I have no idea what it is, but Mum took me out in the car and we went for a spin. We didn't really go anywhere as Mum said they were all closed because it was Monday.. again I don't know what that means. Today after I woke up Mum decided we were going to try again, so we went nearby to a barber shop ( that's what Mum called it ) and I sat on Mum's lap and the lady there put a bib on me and she started doing something with my hair. I was squirming a bit because I wasn't sure I liked it, but they had toys there and the lady was very nice. I'm not sure I'll go again tomorrow, but Mum said I don't need to go for another few months.. so that's good.
Hope everyone is good!
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Saturday, November 15, 2008

These boots are made for walking... well these socks are

So I've decided to start walking, well just a little.. a couple of steps here and there. I prefer to walk when Mum or Dad aren't watching me. Everyday I'm getting better and better, soon I won't need Mum's hands to walk about the place and I can walk around the block on my own. My favourite place this week to go walking was in the play place Mum takes me to. I just wanted to show the other babies there how I can walk so I was go all over the place on my own. Mum said once she gets a good video clip she'll post it... and here is one and the other is here
I had a cold and a cough last week so I didn't get to see my new friend Morgan who arrived last week, Mum saw her and said she was a gorgeous baby. I did get to see my friend Sawyer this week for the first time, we couldn't play together as he was sleeping, Mum explained he's only 4 weeks so I have to wait a while before we can really play.
It's my friend Maia's birthday today and tomorrow we're going to her party at the childrens museum, I'm all excited as Dad said that its a really cool place and that I can ramble around the place and its ok to pull at the stuff... great! here's where the party pics are
Ok, I must go have some breakfast and figure out what I'm doing for the day... bye-bye!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Oiche Shamhna

Happy Halloween everyone,
Mum told me that today was oiche shamhna and that today everybody gets dressed up in scary costumes. I'm going to be a skunk( Mum and Dad are always afraid of skunks, something about their smell they day), Mum is going as my Mum and Dad I think is going to be a scientist..Oscar has a costume but I've not seen it yet. Mum tried to explain to me all about today and about why people dress up and stuff, she told me that people give you stuff at the door if you say trick or treat and that you play party games. She said she used to bob for apples in water and that she used to get fruit and nuts from people... I'm too young for that kind of stuff although I do like apple sauce so maybe I'll get some of that. I was so excited this morning that I woke up at 6 and decided I wanted to start my day, Mum said ok, but that I was going to have to be a good boy and wait until the party before putting my costume on, so far I've been good but its still a while yet before we go to the party.
Mum said she'll put up the pictures tomorrow ... they're here!!
Bye for now
( I know that there's no fada on the i but I've not figured out yet how to do it - Aisling)
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Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Odd Couple

So Ollie came to visit on saturday with his mum, and Mum tried to take a picture of the two of them, but doo didn't want his pic taken. I had fun with Ollie, he tried to give me a kiss.... I can't wait to see him on friday, he's coming to spend the day with doo and then we're all going to Maia's house for a halloween party. Mum and Dad got my costume for me and so I'm going to look cool, I'm not sure if we're going trick or treating or if I have to wait til next year to do that. I think I have to be walking to be able to go door to door. Maybe I'll get to see the children who come to our door if Mum lets me stay up late, I know what some of my neighbours are going to be dressed as.

So mr. tooth has been trying to come down for a long time, over a month Mum says and its almost there, it's breaking the gum and slowly pushing out, but Mum discovered that speedy tooth is coming up on my bottom gum next to my other teeth, so it's going to be a race as to which one is fully out and seen. Having new teeth means I'll get to eat more grown-up food and Mum won't have to mush it as much.

I told Dad that he should vote for "ba-ma" , he's the only candidate whose name I can say. Ba is the word I use most often these days and sometimes I say ma and earlier I was talking to Mum about stuff and told her about who Dad should vote for.

Mum and Dad took some pics of me on Sunday when I was outside our house playing with the leaves. The pics are here

Happy Halloween

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Sunday, October 19, 2008

Do not adjust your monitor!

I was at Oscar's friend Ollie's house ( with his Mum Amy) on Saturday morning with Mum and Dad, my ladies ( Maia and Mika) were there with their parents and their brothers with hair ( doggies). Dad took the funky pic of me and Maia in front of Amy's big mirror. I had fun looking at the good looking boy in the mirror, the funny thing was that he had the same clothes on as me..hmm must ask mum about that. I had a great time crawling about the place and showing off my cruising skills.
My week was good, I'm still trying to figure out the whole nap thing so I like to keep Mum on her toes and every day is a fun guess as to how long , when or if I'll nap. Dad's cousin Alexis came and looked after me for a while on thursday and I had fun with her, she gave me my dinner and my dessert.
Mum and Dad went to see my new buddy Sawyer on Tuesday in the hospital, they said he had finally arrived on Sunday, I dunno where he was supposed to have arrived from, oh well it must be one cool place since they said it took a long time for him to arrive. Mum said he was very cute and looked like his Mum Erica ( I like her and Sawyer's Dad Chuck). I want to go and see him but Mum said it'll be a while before I get to go since he's still a little baby.
I got to go and see my friend Zoe at her new house today, it was cool, she had a big garden and had a lake right across the road from her house. She was very nice and shared her toys with me as her Mum pulled us along in the red thing ( a pull along wagon -Aisling), we saw all the leaves on the ground and we tried to look for other colourful things. She showed me how she likes to draw on the ground with chalk and how to go down the slide. I tried it myself and I giggled going down the slide.
I don't know what the plan for this week is, but I know that we're going to where Mum used to work for my lunch on wednesday and the rest of the week will be a suprise. I know for definite that Mum will take me and Doo out for loads of walks and I'm sure she'll take me out to my fave play place some afternoon, maybe she'll take me to the supermarket so I can flirt with all the ladies in the shop....
Have a good week everyone!

Sunday, October 12, 2008


So this pic was taken at my friend Maia's house a few months ago, my Mum and her Mum though that it would be a good photo..I'm not sure if it is or not, but it was a very comfortable "hat" to wear.
This week, I got to hang out with Mum and go out and about with her and the doo. We went to the park a few times with Mika and her Mum. We had a good time on the swings and we giggled a lot. The slides I'm not too sure about yet, but I'll give them a try a few more times. Mum and Dad took me as well and Mum has put up some photos of me here
Mum took me in to see Dad for lunch during the week, it was fun to go and see where Dad works. It was such a lovely day, we were able to have our lunch outside, hopefully we'll have a few more days like that this week
Have a lovely week!
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Sunday, October 5, 2008

Hummus or Hoummus?

So my food horizons are being widened by Mum at the moment, today Mum gave me some hummus and rice-cakes....I think I liked it, the rice-cakes were a little funny to eat as they kind of dissolved in my mouth. I think Mum started to give them to me so I can try and eat them with my hands, which I did, and got the rice-cake/hummus mix all over my hands, my face and my socks ( I like to eat with my socks as digestive aids).
I went to the doctor this week and got my flu shot and they took some blood from me, I wasn't a big fan of the needles but I was cool when I left the office... think I can amage to go back there if I need to.. they now have a fish tank in the waiting room and loads of books.
Mum and Dad went to a wedding on Friday and so I got to be looked after by Papa's cousin Sharon and she took me to a birthday party ( my first). I had a great time there and loved being looked after by Sharon.
This week Mum took me out and about and we got to see all the stuff that happens here in autumn. I saw the leaves starting to change colour ( yes colour... not color ) from green to yellow and I see every day that more leaves are after falling. We see loads of squirrels ( the grey ones) all over the place and Mum can get a little closer to them and I can see them climb up the trees. I also this week got to see loads of geese, the canadian kind, and those are cool to look at and they move quickly as soon as we try and get close to them.
Mum and Dad got me a pair of runners and they take me outside the front door and with help I take some steps towards Mika's house or towards the end of the row of houses. When I'm tired I just sit on the ground and try and take my shoes off. Oscar comes over and gives me a kiss to say hi
Ok, I must go and take a nap for Mum and Dad.. have a good week everyone
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Monday, September 29, 2008

Hello autumn

So Mum has told me that Autumn has arrived (but, she explained it started earlier in Ireland and here they go by the autumnal equinox... which is September 22nd this year). So you can see from my pic that its time to start wearing winter hats (what you can't see is that moments after this photo was taken I removed this hat!) I like to feel the breeze in my hair (which is becoming more and more abundant every day). I also kicked off the blanket because I felt like it.
Mum takes me and Doo for walks along by the river so we can see the leaves change colour and see all the stuff falling out of the tree. I've seen loads of squirrels, geese and ducks which are all fun to see, they all run or waddle away when we walk close by. I also like to watch the girls who jog by the river, Mum thinks its rude and Dad high-fived me.
We went out in the rain a lot this weekend, I liked to look at the rain and see the water all over the place. Oscar had his friend stay over and I had fun with them. I got to see Maia's mum on Saturday when Mum and Dad took to me what Mum called a rummage sale. She seemed excited to be able to get coats for me, I dunno, I wasn't really impressed so I told her. I also got to see Erica and Chuck and they got me to try and tell her baby to come out ( Aisling here: Erica is due any day and is ready for the baby's arrival so is willing to try anything to help kickstart the birth process! )
My tooth on my upper gum is breaking through according to Mum, hmmm that explains why my gums are hurting me, maybe its going to come through this week.
OK time for me and Mum to go food shopping, I'm going trying chicken this week I think, well that's if Mum is willing to boil it and mush it up for me. By the way I really liked my mushed vegetables combo that Mum makes me!
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Sunday, September 21, 2008

What fun I had this week

So I had a fun week, I got to go out in the buggy a lot and got to see a load of fun new things and places. Since the weather is a lot nicer now Mum has taken me to the river and I got to see all the lilly pads on the water and I saw my first conker yesterday.
My week was just so busy, I had lunch with my friend Mika and her friend Miku, we just chatted about toys and stuff. I got to see my friend Daniel on Thursday and I had so much fun playing with all his toys. He's a lot older than me, but I really liked playing with him and crawling through the tunnel that he had in his house.I had a crawl date with Maia on Friday and I met some other boys that she knows. I got a bit tired so Mum took me home early. I spend the evening with Dad because Mum was going out with her friend Shauna to see The Swell Season. Mum took loads of pics this week, which are here
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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I went to the Zoo...

Hi everyone,
Mum took me to the Zoo today. I had a good time. We went to Stone Zoo which is in Stoneham, so it was only a quick ride in the car. I liked that, I got to read my Elmo goes to the Zoo book on the way there. Mum pushed me around in my buggy so I could see all the animals. Some of them were sleeping and some I couldn't see at all, but I did get to see the bears, and some cougars and some birds. Mum took some pictures which you can see here :

Mum says she'll try and take me to a farm soon so I can see some other animals and maybe get to pet some. I'll let you know if I do...
Take care

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Music a la Nicky

Nicky's favourite noises to make these days are - giggling, esp after hearing ernie from sesame street giggle..and the frustration noises/sighs when he can't get to where he wants to get to. His word of the moment is a combination of "mam", "ma", "mem"...
We're experimenting with food a little, having porridge for breakfast, lunch and dinner and additions to the oatmeal.. applesauce is a clear winner, bananas second and peaches third. Yogurt not so much, but we'll keep trying. He needs all his energy for his constant crawling and furniture cruising. We went to the local child play area and he loved it, with the padded floors and toys, playing peek-a-boo and trying to figure out what a hula hoop does.. I promise I will try and get some pics the next time or even video... if I'm that organised
Hope everyone is doing well!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Hi There

So this week I went to my swimming lesssons and had such great fun that I asked Mum to take me every week so I can practice the things I learned. I learned how to kick and how to to do blast-off from the wall.. that was great fun. Mum did humpty dumpty with me and I always ended up in the water which I liked. I have a new friend named Ivan and so him and his mum are going to try and go to the pool with us in the autumn.
I spent the day today with Dad while Mum went out, something about a shower or something. I got to see my friend Zoe and I like her. She did some great dancing. I hope she can teach me how to dance when I can stand up straight on my own. I've gotten the sitting thing together and the crawling thing is easy, I now just like to stand and find things that I can pull myself up with... mum's pants are good sometimes and so is Oscar. He just gives me kisses when I do that but Mum stops me when I try to climb on Oscar.
Mum said I should mention that I really like electronic stuff... the phone, mum's laptop, the remote and the alarm clocks.... Mum gets very worried when I go near her laptop but I swearI only just want to learn how to type so Mum doesn't have to do all this typing.

Ok, must go , Mum wants to go and watch the Olympics. I was asleep for the opening ceremony but I think Mum and Dad taped it so I'll watch it tomorrow morning
Hugs to everyone
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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Did I mention I hang out at the pool now....

So I now go swimming or what mum likes to say a dip in the pool, the pool is a little chilly so I don't stay in too long. I've met a few new people and we play games like " wheels on the bus" and they teach us about how to kick and how to reach out and grab some toys. They tried to teach me how to blow bubbles but I think it'll be a while before I can get it right, but all the mums made funny faces when they started to blow bubbles for us....
Mum will put a picture up when she gets one

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

And for my next trick...

So yesterday I magically learned how to make myself stand up in my bed.. I shocked and suprised Mum and Dad who oddly lowered the mattress in my bed... I've no idea as to why they would do that. I tried again this morning and Mum caught me. Yes that is a nightgown I've got on me, its easier for having my bum changed ;)

Sunday, July 27, 2008

My new adventures!

I now like to eat porridge, the lumpier the better, don't really like the prunes or the peaches but I do really like peas and mashed potatoes.
I'm still having my on going dental issues... the second tooth came through and somewhere in there there's another one getting ready to come down... so I'm not a happy boy these days.
I'm getting more exercise as I like to crawl about the place and when I can and when Mum has the time we walk around the kitchen. We have new tables in the living room and so I can do things like rest when I'm tired and read the paper ( see pic)
Last weekend mum took me into a pool and I had great fun. I can't wait to go to my swimming lessons next week.
Mum said I'm a big boy now as I now am in my new car seat and am being pushed about in my new jogger stroller. Mum took me to a cool place where I can crawl around in a big room and loads of other babies are there, but they're bigger than me, that doesnt' matter to me I just like to see everyone and try and climb on the soft squishy blocks they have. mum's excited as we now have somewhere to go in the winter when the weather outside is cold and wet..
ok... time for my big bottle and then a bath
Big hi to everyone
Hugs and Kisses

Monday, July 7, 2008

I'm on my way... slowly.. I'm starting to crawl

Hi everyone,
So I started to crawl a little today..I've stopped doing my starfish motions and started to crawl to Mum this morning. She was very happy. Dad is going to try and capture it on camera later and Mum said she'll put it up online when they can
Hope everyone had a good weekend

Monday, June 30, 2008

Food and Teeth

Nicky's mum here: Nicky is now eating rice cereal, the lumpier the better and this week will be trying some other things... When an appropriate picture of him covered in food is taken I will post it.
Other news..... the teething is finally coming to fruition, he's getting a front tooth, its just breaking the gum now so any time and it will be up.. again once a pic can be taken one shall be taken and posted :)
Hope everyone had a good weekend!

Friday, June 13, 2008

My trip to Cork

Well its been a while since I've been able to sit down with Mum and tell her what to type... we had such a busy holiday and its only now that we can let everyone know how much fun it was... Mum has put some pictures into a new album for me so everyone can see me and who I met and what I got up to:

Day 1: the airport...... Logan International Airport. Our Mission for me to get on the plane and for my alter-ego Senor Ratbag not to make an appearance... Mission accomplished: I liked the plane, really liked that they had a telly over my bed so I could watch something instead of sleeping, somehow I ended up sleeping for 3 hours and I woke up as we were landing in Shannon airport. D was there to meet us and we went to Mum's house. Mum had to stop and have breakfast and had something called a breakfast roll, I'm too young for one she kept telling me, Mum really liked hers so I'm thinking I will too when I can have one,

Nana was there when we got to the house and we just hung out for a while. Later on my cousins Cian Daniel and Adam came over to visit... I couldn't believe I was seeing three of them, they all look so alike.

Day 2: We went to see Nana and Granddad Casey. I had great fun there, Nana gave me loads of kisses and I tried to climb all over her bed.We had to go home quite early as I was tired and my teeth were hurting me

Day 3: Me, Mum and Nana Fran went to town. I got to go meet some of the ladies that work with Nana Fran, they all loved that I smiled for them. We went and saw aunty Carmel on our way home and I gave her big smiles as well. Pop and Renee came out to see me and they brought the three boys to see me as well. We had a lot of fun with them running around the house and looking out the window at Bob the dog.

Day 4: We went and had tea with Pop and his sister Elsie in Wilton, Pop goes there every week so we always know where to find him on Saturday mornings. It was nice to see him and look at all the people who stop by to say hello to him.Mum and Dad went out for dinner with their friend Mick so I was babysat by Nana and D

Day 5: Mum dressed me up in my Sunday best and Nana and D took me out to the beach and to the little town of Kinsale. Mum and Dad went out to see Mick's new house. Later on Uncle Brian, Aunty Trish and my cousins Niamh and Alison came to see me.. I had great fun with them. Niamh was very good in carrying me around the place.

Day 6: Mum left early and went to town with Nana so I hung out with Dad and D. Mum came back and had a new hair cut... she looked nice

Day 7: Wen went to visit Nana Casey and she was delighted to see me. I was very happy to see her as well. We went to see Aunty Renee for lunch and we went for a picnic to the Atlantic pond. I got to see a load of different birds and ducks. Later on we all went orienteering. I "went" in the carrier so I really didn't get to see much but I got my name on the results. Dad went around with D and his name was on the results as well

Day 8: We went to see Mum's friend Mary. Mary lives out in the countryside, which was so green. I had great fun with her and her Mum was so nice as well. She kept an eye on me while Mum and Dad went to look at Mary's new house. Mum and Dad were jealous of her gorgeous house they said. Uncle Mark came home this afternoon so I got to meet him for the first time. I like him a lot...

Day 9: We went to go and see my new friend Liam and his Mum Elaine. I had a great time at their house. Liam likes the same stuff as me and was also smiling and giggling at my mum like I was at his mum. He's my first Irish friend..

Day 10: I hung out with Nana and Mark while Mum and Dad went and had lunch with Mum's cousin June. Later on Mum and Dad went out to town for Mum's friends birthday, so Nana and D babysat me again

Day 11: We went to Wilton and suprised Pop by joining him for a cup of tea and a snack. I got to go to town again with Mum and Dad. They bought me a new toy which I can't wait to play with. We got to go on the bus into town which was fun. Later on that evening we went to Aunty Sandra's house for cousin Kathy's going away party. I had a good time as I had cousin Niamh looking after me for a while. I got a bit tired so I went for a sleep and Mum, Dad, Nana and D had a good time at the party. I slept the whole way home and only woke up the next morning

Day 12: After my good nights sleep Nana insisted that we go out for a spin, so we went to Crosshaven. I slept for a bit of the walk but I was awake for some of it. We went up to a big hill and could see all of Cork Harbour ( Mun's typing so its the english spelling she says!). We could nearly see where Uncle Kevin and Aunty Patricia live in Cobh. I had my bottle in the car while everyone else had a cup of coffee. We had Nana and Granddad Casey come out and visit for tea. I had a great time with them, I love Nana Casey as she talks to me and gives me loads of kisses.

Day 13: Mum said it was packing day, which meant all the dirty clothes had to be put into one bag and my bag for the airplane had to sorted. We brough back the rental car and Nana collected us, wee went out for dinner that night as it was Nana and D's 30th wedding anniversary. Mum tried to put me to bed early as she said we had a big day the next day but I just want to hang out with the grown ups.

Day 14: The return home. D drove us up to the airport, it was a long drive so Mum and I had a little nap. Once we got to the airport we said goodbye to D and checked all our luggage in. We went through security and went through immigration. I smiled at the man as he stamped my passport and then we just waited until it was time to go on the plane. Mum made me sleep for the take-off but I stayed awake for the rest of the flight as there was so much going on and so many people for me to giggle at. Once we got home Dad took me to see Yaiyai and Papa to collect Oscar, but I wasn't ion a good mood. I was really really tired and so Mum gave me a bottle and off I went to sleep.

I had a great time on my holidays and can't wait to go there again and see everyone. Check out the pics that Mum and dad took :

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

What did I do this weekend....

So this week and weekend I had such fun... Friday I had fun with Maia (see the pics on my album), we just hung out on the couch and she played in my new fave jumping thing - and giggled a lot just like I do. We said hi to D on the computer and I heard him making funny noises for me. Dad took a picture of me and said I looked like Eddie Munster (Mum agreed but I have no clue what they were talking about).

On saturday mum dressed me up in Munster colours (I dunno what that means, but I looked good in my little outfit)..Mum said they won so she was happy.

Sunday we went to see my papa and yaiyai and they looked after me and Doo while Mum and Dad went to the cinema.

Monday was memorial day so Dad had the day off from work. We went to Amy's house for a bbq, my friends Mika and Maia were there along with their mums, dads and fur brothers (Hachi and Mielo). We had fun, Dad put his Munster cap on me and I looked very silly with it on. Oscar had a great time trying to play football with a basketball....he got so dirty that Mum and Dad had to wash him in the bath, he's getting a haircut this week so I won't be able to pull on his beard anymore, I like to do that and he likes it too as he just licks my face.

Mum was telling me that next week we're flying to Ireland.. I told mum that I'll do my best to be a good boy on the plane but with my gums hurting like they do it might be a little hard for me to be quiet.....

I'll keep everyone posted while I'm on holidays

Ciao !

Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Mother's Day Mum

So it was my first mothers day (of my own) and I had said to Sam that I wasn't expecting anything from Nicky other than a dirty nappy as that was all that he is able to make for me these days... Sam went off and though long and hard and well remembering our last trip to Newbury Comics I had mentioned to him that I wanted pee and pooh (see link for explanation: )  to go along with the other ridiculous stuffed animals I have decorating Nicky's the light went on over his head and  he thought that that might be something that Nicky would like to give me for Mother's day ( and in all actuality would probably give me multiple ones).
So the gift was handed to me and lo and behold a dirty nappy appeared with pee in the front and poo in the back ( as seen in picture).
I couldn't have asked for a cuter mother's day present... Thank you Nicky :)

Thursday, May 8, 2008

I'm 4 months 2 weeks old

I'm a big boy now... I like to sleep through the night.. well most nights , some nights I need to have a chat with Mum at about 3am, we just talk about what I'm going doing later on that day and I tell her jokes that Dad tells me and then I go back to sleep. I like to tell jokes and always laugh when Dad tells me some
I got my shots last week and I was a brave boy.... I screamed once and that was it, Mum was very proud of me, I'm safe for another two months.
I've been hanging out with Mika having lunch  and dinner with her( our parents were there of course, embarassing us) and we've even been to the cinema together, we saw 21.. I liked the bright lights on the big screen and I liked that Mum brought my pillow to hangout on.
I think Mum said that she's going to give me something called rice... dunno what that's going to be like but as long as it'll come out of my bottle I don't mind.
Only a few more weeks and I get to go on my holidays... I'm going to be very excited to see people I know and meet my other relatives....

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Long time no hear...but we had a good excuse!

So since the last entry I've been such a busy boy learning about how to entertain guests and all about being a tourist in Boston... My great-grandfather Pop and my grand-aunt Renee came to visit me, Mum, and Dad (and oscar) and were here for 12 days. We had a great time with them!

I got to see so many new places:
  • I got to go to the airport with mum (her first time driving there) and I had a great time greeting Pop and Renee when they came through the arrival gate. They were very suprised to see me and my big smile waiting for them.

  • The next day we went to the pond near our house and we had a picnic. It was a nice relaxing day and the sun was out (Unfortunatly, Mummy was silly and got a little sunburnt). I, on the other hand, had a lovely nap under my carseat shade.

  • Saturday we took Pop and Renee shopping with us to BJ's and then food shopping...we all then went out for dinner that night. Everyone was having such a good time and enjoying their food that I got a bit jealous and decided to let them know. Mum took me out to the car while everyone else finished their dinner, we had a little singsong until the others came out to the car.

  • Sunday we had dinner with papa and yaiyai and daddy's uncles Georgie and JD came as well. I wasn't really happy since my gums were hurting me and I wanted everyone to know that :(

  • Tuesday me, Mum and Pop went to Harvard Square for lunch and a walk around. I had a great time. Pop did as well because he took loads of pictures. Mum took us on the T, it was a bit loud but I liked looking at all the people

  • Wednesday Mum took me Pop and Renee to WalMart. Mum had a bite to eat and so did I. I then also wanted to try and taste Mum's drink of sprite but she wouldn't let me. Everyone was so suprised that I was trying to reach out and try get a taste... dunno why
  • The next day we got to go on a tour of downtown Boston, we took the bus to the T and then went on the green and orange trolley tour. The tour guide was very nice and was amazed I was so quiet... Mum had me covered so I didn't see much but I heard about all the places we went past. I got to have my lunch in Quincy Market, there were loads of people there as well having their lunch. We went back on the trolley to the navy yard and had a walk around there as well as a quick snack. We ended our tour with a journey through downtown and went back home on the T and bus. Mum said I was a very good boy
  • The next day was friday and we went back to downtown Boston and had lunch in Boston Common, we went to the Public Garden to look at the Ducklings and the Swan Boats and then we went to the Prudential Tower... Mum and I went for a walk about the shops while Pop and Renee went up to the Skywalk for a look around. We went on the bus home, which was fun.. I like going on the bus
  • Saturday Mum and Dad took me to see my new girlfriend Madelyn ( she had only arrived on thursday) I decided to let her know that my teeth were hurting me and so screamed for a while... We left really quickly and I don't know why :-(). Saturday night Mum and Dad went out for a date and so Pop and Renee looked after me. We watching Indiana Jones ( the third one).. it was great
  • Sunday was Greek easter so we had dinner at yai yai and papa's house.  Dad's aunts and uncles were there and so were his cousins. Pop and Renee had a good time. I had a good giggle hearing Pop and papa singing.
  • Monday was their last day and we just hung about the house and we waved good bye from our house... Mum says we'll see them in a couple of weeks time....when we go to Ireland.

Friday, April 4, 2008

I'm in charge!

Mr. Man decided last night that he was old enough to handle his own bottle. He grabbed the bottle from Sam and started to feed himself,taking it out when he had enough and putting it back in when he wanted more...
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Friday, March 28, 2008

To all the girls I love....

Well last week was a busy week for me... I went out for a lunchdate with Mika on Wednesday and then for a romantic stroll, with our chaperones (our mum's and the dogs) keeping a close eye on us.
Thursday I met up with my new ladyfriend Marion whose Mum and Dad brought her to Boston for her holidays

Friday was a very busy day as mum took me to the mum's group, Mika and her mum went as well. Later on Maia and her mum came and had lunch at our house. We all hung out together for the afternoon. The big brothers Hachi and Oscar kept an eye on us and giving us kisses when we weren't expecting it. Doggie kisses are a bit smelly...

Saturday was a big adventure as mum and dad took me to a book shop to listen to a man read out loud. I just sat in mums arms and smiled at the nice lady who was sitting beside her. When the reading was over everyone laughed loudly and so did I. Mum and dad were impressed with my big laugh. I gave myself the hiccups, which I do a lot. I got to meet Dad's cousin Nick and his wife-to-be Crystal and they brought me some cool clothes.... The fun didn't stop there, we went to see Laura and Gregg who are going to be mum and dad to my new ladyfriend Madelyn Rose ( whenever she arrives) and we went to the posh shopping centre and then we all went out for dinner. I just sat in my car seat and watched everyone eat, Mum gave me my dinner later on. It was yummy.
Sunday I got to meet my great-grandmother(dad's grandma). She was very nice, she gave me a bottle and loads of hugs and kisses. Mum says I get to meet my great-grandfather in a few weeks and when we go to Cork in the summer I get to meet my other great-grandparents...I can't wait :)

Friday, March 21, 2008

Smile... you're on candid camera

So this week little man has taken to smiling more.. see his mischievious little smile in this pic, so of course we've been trying to capture the smiling on camera and video, might take a small while before I post a video (need to figure out how to edit etc).

Nicky had a little bit of a cold this week,but he still managed to mantain his social schedule with a lunchdate with Mika on Tuesday and a playdate on Friday with Maia ( which he slept through much to her dismay). He also managed to squeeze a trip to the dentist with me on friday morning. We had to unfortunately had to miss his first St. Patrick's day trip to the pub, but we did watch the New York parade on the telly. Nicky liked the pipe band music, he was kicking his legs along it. In a few years he'll be able to enjoy the fry that his mum and dad had for their dinner (not the exact fry that we had...D) and also in a few years he will enjoy his easter eggs. Me and Nicky made our trip a few weeks ago to the supermarket that sells Irish food and we (me) stocked up on easter eggs and breakfast food and of course some crisps.
Hope everyone had a good Easter!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

International Man of Mystery!

Well ladies as you can see I've got me a passport photo so I'll be off on my travels soon ( well as soon as Mum books the flights)... You have nothing to worry about...I'm a professional!  

Ciao Baby! XXOOXX

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Nick-Nic exposed !!!

As you can see, "mad-eye Nicky" likes to go out in the carrier with his mum. Since the evenings haven't been too cold we all go out for a walk around the neighbourhood, Nicky doesn't see much since he gets totally bundled up. Oscar on the other hand loves going around the block for his walk as he always wants to see if he can meet his buddies..

At Nicky's doctor's appointment earlier this week, he got his shots (see previous blog entry). He's now 11lb 11oz and is 22 inches long, so now his height is different from the one stated on his passport..oops! The phrase "big head" can also be applied to him, as his head grew 3 cm in about 5 weeks. He's more vocal these days with little giggles and coos when he's happy and grunts/burps when he's doing his normal (and regular... eat your heart out Papa Kattar) bodily functions. Sometimes when he's spitting up he does little spit-up bubbles

Friday morning we went to the mum's group and he met up with his friend Lulu and they played on their bellies. Later on Maia and her mum came by and the two babies had a bite to eat and napped...

Today it was pouring rain so it was get the house clean day...and Nicky and Sam hung out on the couch with Sam singing songs to him with him giggling in delight...

Monday, March 3, 2008


Got jabbed with needles today... definitely didn't need that.  I'm beginning to think this whole Doctor thing may prove to be a real pain in the bum (no pun intended).

Friday, February 29, 2008

Mum what's a leap year?

So today being February 29th, my 2 month birthday this year gets put off by a day according to mum, she said because its a leap year this year.She also explained that the Olympics will be happening this year over in China, and that I'll probably be watching it on the telly with her. The thing that I'm waiting to find out if its true is that the girls propose to the boys on this day. I am going out with mum to the mum's group and I will be seeing one of my many lady friends there. Later on I'll be seeing my valentines day date(the lovely Maia) for a play date so who knows I may get a few proposals today.

I forgot to mention last week that I now have a new ladyfriend.. her name is Mika and she arrived last Saturday. I'm sure that Mika , Maia, me and our mothers will all go on long walks with our big brothers; Hachi, Mielo and Oscar when the weather is better.

Ok its time for me to grab a bite to eat and to make myself handsome for Maia! Mum says I get something called my shots on Monday.. I hope they don't hurt, I don't want to be cranky for mum after them ;)

Monday, February 25, 2008

My Busy Weekend

I had a very busy weekend this weekend... It all started on Friday when Dad came home early because of the snow ( Mum says we got nearly a foot of the snow). I got to hang out with him all afternoon while Mum went through my wardrobe to update me to the Spring collection ( my 3 -6 months wardrobe). Mum took Oscar out in the snow for his walk and he loved bunnyhopping through the fluffy snow!

Saturday morning , we went to the post office so that I could apply for my passport. Mum says once I get my passport, she'll book my flight for coming to visit everyone. The nice lady at the post office took my picture, I didn't even have to get out of my car seat! Mum and Dad think that it was the cutest picture they've ever seen of me. They also think its funny that the picture will be on my passport for 5 years, Mum will put it up on the blog when the passport arrives. Let's just say, that my Dad said I should warn all of my new girlfriend's parents that I am on the prowl...grrrrr baby, yeah!

Sunday afternoon I got babysat by Erica and Chuck while Mum and Dad went out on a date for their wedding anniversary. I was on my best behaviour for them, which is funny as I was acting up for Mum and Dad all day before they left and again when they returned.....

This morning Mum took me on the bus to Harvard Square. I liked the bus but I didn't like the noises at the T station and the shops we went to had bright lights, but I was a good boy for Mum and I'm just after having my lunch and will hang out in my playpen for the afternoon until Dad gets home so he can get a taste of my cooking (if you know what I mean!).

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

He sleeps.....He smiles...

6 weeks and yes he has actually started to sleep a little bit longer at night :) ... mostly because he has now begun to stay awake a little bit longer during the day. Yes, I am now after putting together his bouncer and soon will be bringing down his playpen so mr. man can hang out there while I get some housework/work done
Nicky now smiles at us everyday and not just when he's doing something in his nappy . Yesterday a little laugh was seen( his birthday present to me I think). Right now as you can see in his picture he's starting to get his tummy time, he's not impressed with it but he's quite stong.. will keep you posted as to when he pushes himself up.
Newsflash: Sam's just after informing me that his eyes are slowing starting to turn brown!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Not forgetting our other baby!

Our other beloved baby, Oscar, felt that he too needed the soother to calm himself.... and yes we did throw out that soother after we took the photo

Thursday, January 31, 2008

One month later...

Our little man is now over a month old. He's now 9lb 4oz and 20.5 inches. A few of his favourite things these days...besides the obvious sleeping, eating and making dirty nappies is to model as many outfits a day as he can and have me do the same, have his dad sing to him before bedtime and grunt while he sleeps ( apparently a normal occurance according to his doctor) keeping me wide awake at night :( He really likes being strapped into the baby carrier and going for walks, doesn't matter where be it outside with Oscar and his buddies or with me and Sam out shopping. He's also got better focus and loves looking at lights and shadows

Sam got his first smile from him last week. I get smiles as well but those usually accompany something he's producing for me which he kindly does for me in the morning.

We went last week to the shopping centre and met Lulu( one of his many girlfriends) and her mum, he slept the entire time we were there and decided to hold his crankiness for the car on the way home. Today we're just hanging out feeding and sleeping

The pic was taken with him on one his favourite places: his changing mat on the washing machine,by the way yes those are socks on his hands, the mittens keep falling off and in desperation one night I threw a pair over his hands, they work so much better ;). He especially likes being on the mat when he's a cranky little man and also when the washing machine is on...

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Nicky's First Week

Nicky recently had his one week check-up with the paediatrician and he received a clean bill of health!  He gained nearly a pound since his discharge from the hospital (which is outstanding and indicative of a great job by Aisling).  He is generally mild-mannered (with the exception of bedtime), but he settles down by midnight and sleeps a few hours.  It's been quite warm for January (~60 F, 15C) so we've had a chance to take some nice walks (Nicky and Oscar appreciate the fresh air).  Nicky especially likes the rolling motion of the stroller (buggy) and loves short rides in the car.  

Hope this message finds everyone well and we'll do the best we can to keep you updated (with no excuses as soon as a decent sleep schedule is established).

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Happy New Years Baby!

It is our pleasure to introduce Nicholas Dominic Kattar to the world!  He was born at 12:05 am on New Years Day.  He weighed in at 6lb 15oz and was 19.5 inches long.  Aisling worked very hard and is doing wonderfully in her new role as mother...I on the other hand have a lot to learn about diapers (nappies) and burping, but I think I will get there.  Here is one cute photo to tide you over, look for many more to follow as soon as we manage to catch a little sleep.  
Cheers and Happy New Year to all!